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United Nations

The World Peacemaking Encyclopedia

073 中国维和百科全书

149 Encyclopedia of Peacemaking Activity of United States of America

040 Enzyklopädie der Friedensstiftung Deutschlands

172 L Encyclopédie du maintien de la paix de France

166 - Encyclopedia of peacekeeping of Uzbekistan

061 La еnciclopedia del mantenimiento de la paz de España

113 Netherlands Peacemaking Encyclopedia

062 Enciclopedia del mantenimento della pace in Italia

100237 Декларация Всемирной Энциклопедии Миротворчества в ООН

1000225 UN - 118 Энциклопедия Миротворчества Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов – Облик привлекательности Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов

1000032 UN-149 Энциклопедия Миротворчества Соединенных Штатов Америки – Облик привлекательности Соединенных Штатов Америки

1000224 UN - 160 Энциклопедия Миротворчества Тринидад и Тобаго – Облик привлекательности Тринидад и Тобаго

1000223 UN - 163 Энциклопедия Миротворчества Туркмении – Облик привлекательности Туркмении

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Project partners


The World Peacemaking Encyclopedia


001     The Australian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

002     The Azerbaijani Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

003     The Albanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

004     The Algerian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

005     The Angolan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

006     The Andorran Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

007     The Antigua and Barbuda Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

008     The Argentinian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

009     The Armenian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

010     The Afghan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

011     The Bahamian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

012     The Bangladeshi Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

013     The Barbados Encyclopedia of Peacemaking 

014     The Bahraini Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

015     The Belarusian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

016     The Belizean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

017     The Belgian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

018     The Beninese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

019     The Bulgarian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

020     The Bolivian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

021     The Bosnia and Herzegovina Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

022     The Botswanan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

023     The Brazilian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

024     The Bruneian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

025     The Burkina Faso Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

026     The Burundian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

027     The Bhutanese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

028     The Macedonian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

029     The Vanuatu Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

030     The Hungarian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

031     The Venezuelan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

032     The Gabonese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

033     The Haitian Peacemaking of Peacemaking

034     The Guyanese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

035     The Gambian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

036     The Ghanaian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

037     The Guatemalan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

038     The Guinean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

039     The Guinea-Bissau Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

040     The German Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

041     The Honduran Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

042     The Grenadian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

043     The Greek Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

044     The Georgian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

045     The Danish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

046     The Democratic Republic of the Congo Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

047     The Djiboutian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

048     The Dominica Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

049     The Dominican Republic Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

050     The Egyptian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

051     The Zambian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

052     The Zimbabwean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

053     The Israeli Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

054     The Indian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

055     The Indonesian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

056     The Jordanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

057     The Iraqi Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

058     The Iranian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

059     The Irish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

060     The Icelandic Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

061     The Spanish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

062     The Italian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

063     The Yemeni Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

064     The Cabo Verdean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking 

065     The Kazakh Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

066     The Cambodian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

067     The Cameroonian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

068    The Canadian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

069    The Qatari Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

070    The Kenyan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

071    The Cyprian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

072    The Kiribati Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

073    The Chinese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

074    The Colombian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

075    The Comoros Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

076    The Republic of the Congo Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

077    The North Korean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

078    The Costa Rican Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

079    The Côte d’Ivoire Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

080    The Cuban Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

081    The Kuwaiti Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

082    The Kyrgyz Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

083    The Laotian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

084    The Latvian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

085    The Kingdom of Lesotho Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

086    The Liberian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

087    The Lebanese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

088    The Libyan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

089    The Lithuanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

090    The Liechtenstein Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

091    The Luxembourg Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

092    The Mauritian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

093    The Mauritanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

094    The Madagascar Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

095    The Malawian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

096    The Malaysian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

097    The Malian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

098    The Maldives Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

099    The Maltese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

100    The Moroccan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

101    The Marshall-Islands Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

102    The Mexican Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

103    The Micronesian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

104    The Mozambiquean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

105    The Monaco Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

106    The Mongolian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

107    The Burmese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

108    The Namibian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

109    The Nauruan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

110    The Nepalese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

111    The Nigerien Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

112    The Nigerian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

113    The Netherlands Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

114    The Nicaraguan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

115    The New Zealand Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

116    The Norwegian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

117    The Tanzanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

118    The United Arab Emirates Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

119    The Omani Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

120    The Pakistani Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

121    The Palauan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

122    The Panamanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

123    The Papua New Guinea Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

124    The Paraguayan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

125    The Peruvian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

126    The Polish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

127    The Portuguese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

128    The South Korean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

129    The Moldavian Encyclopedia of the Peacemaking

130    The Rwandan Peacemaking Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

131    The Romanian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

132    The Salvadorian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

133    The Samoan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

134    The San Marino Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

135    The São Tomé and Príncipe Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

136    The Saudi Arabian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

137    The Swiss Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

138    The Seychelles Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

139    The Senegalese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

140    The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

141    The Saint Kitts and Nevis Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

142    The Saint Lucia Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

143    The Serbian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

144    The Singaporean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

145    The Syrian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

146    The Slovakian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

147    The Slovenian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

148    The United Kingdom of Great Britain Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

149    The United States of America Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

150    The Solomon Islands Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

151    The Somalian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

152    The Sudanese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

153    The Surinamese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

154    The Sierra Leone Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

155    The Tajikistani Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

156    The Thai Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

157    The Timor-Leste Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

158    The Togolese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

159    The Tongan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

160    The Trinidad and Tobago Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

161    The Tuvaluan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

162    The Tunisian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

163    The Turkmenistan Peacemaking Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

164    The Turkish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

165    The Ugandan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

166    The Uzbekistan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

167    The Ukrainian  Encyclopedia of the Peacemaking 

168    The Uruguayan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

169    The Fijian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

170    The Philippian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

171    The Finnish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

172    The French Encyclopedia of Peacemaking 

173    The Croatian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

174    The Central-African- Republic Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

175    The Chadian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

176    The Montenegrin Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

177    The Czech Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

178    The Chilean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

179    The  Swiss Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

180    The Swedish Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

181    The Sri Lankan Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

182    The Ecuadoran Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

183    The Equatorial Guinea Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

184    The Eritrean Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

185    The Estonian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

186    The Ethiopian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

187    The South African Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

188     Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

189    The South Sudanese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

190    The Jamaican Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

191    The Japanese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

192    The Vietnamese Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

193    Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

194    The Russian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

195    The Austrian Encyclopedia of Peacemaking

197    The Holy See Encyclopedia of Peacemaking





















































































































































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